Ming Chuan University 2019-20 Summer Session
2019-20 Summer Session I_New Classes Added
2020-21 Fall Semester Course Selection Notice
Adjustment for 2019-20 Academic Year 2nd Semester Midterm, Final, and Graduation Comprehensive Examinations Notice |
Please double check the courses that you selected online prior the deadline for the Cloud Course Selection. 2017.05.05 2017-18 Fall Semester Course Selection Notice |
Course Load Minimum and Maximum: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors: 12 credit hrs/semester minimum, 25 maximum; Seniors: 9 credit hrs/semester minimum, 25 maximum, and for graduate students at least one course. |
◎Student may not choose courses with time conflicts. Upon discovery, all conflicting selections will be deleted. ◎Students who aren’t graduating may not choose courses for graduating seniors. |
Cross-department courses and course retakes with another class section are not available for Initial Course Selection, but must be selected during Add/Drop period. |
After completing initial selection of courses, students must confirm the selections and print out the initial course selection record. |
Please protect your password to prevent tampering with your course selection record. After selecting courses, students must print out the course selection record then log out of the Student System, return to the main screen and close the browser.(please log out of MCU Home Page) |