School of Social Sciences
Wang, Po-Chi associate professor was interviewed by United Daily News 2020/4/16   
Wang, Po-Chi associate professor was interviewed by United Daily News on April 16th: Scholar: Only prisoners of mental illness are put in prison without help

2020-04-16 01:27 United Daily News / Reporters Lin Mengjie, Lai Peixuan / Taipei report

The man WANG,CHING-YU killed the girl "little light bulb" and sentenced him to life imprisonment. The outside world is worried that he may be released on parole after 25 years and there is a risk of recidivism. Prisons are ineffective, and the government should “pre-deploy” as an epidemic prevention, allowing corrections and medical institutions to jointly build complete supporting measures to allow them to receive complete medical treatment, and continue to track after the sentence to effectively reduce public fear.

He said that the most important thing for mentally ill offenders is medical treatment, but the location and resources of the correctional institutions are insufficient. It is best to continue tracking by the health unit and the police unit after the sentence is released.

Wang, Po-Chi associate professor said that random homicides are endless, and the public expects that the death sentence is to worry that the offender will commit another crime after parole. Shouldn't the system deal with it? When one or two offenders no longer commit crimes after being sentenced, and they are indeed tracked down, and the perfect system is effective, it will reduce the public's suspicion.

People in the legal profession also pointed out that the treatment of mental patients should belong to the category of health administration. The government handed over to the judicial and correction system, which makes people feel deeply inappropriate. He believes that the medical treatment of mental patients in prison will not be very good, and does not expect Wang to receive appropriate treatment.


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