School of Social Sciences
Wang, Po-Chi associate professor was interviewed by Beijian TV 2019/12/4   
Teachers and students visit Guishan Branch Bureau
Relevant courses of the Department of Crime Prevention of Ming Chuan University are taught in ex-situ, and the lecturers are replaced by police officers. The venue is not in a familiar classroom but in Guishan Branch. Under the leadership of Wang Chuan, associate professor of crime prevention at Mingchuan University, nearly forty students went to visit the Guishan Police Station. Students listened carefully to the reporting process at the police counter and took the initiative to ask questions. In order to make the visit more meaningful, the content of the lecture also brought into the situation that college students often happen to achieve the purpose of reminding. In addition, students can also see the police's usual duty equipment and detention rooms to increase the richness of visits. Through this visit experience, in a lively and vivid way, let college students know the true side of the police. The teaching scope of the Department of Crime Prevention covers three major areas: crime prevention, judicial social workers and public safety. Through the organization's visits, you can experience the practical operation mode and achieve a seamless learning process. Reporter You Jiayu Taoyuan reported on Channel 4 "Zhongjia Taoyuan News" Broadcast time: 18:00, 20:00, 23:00 Next day at 09:00, 11:00, 14:00 Internet link https: // www / department / smd / master / index-m.asp
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